Sewing 101: Learn How to Measure Your Body for Sewing

John and Rosie from Sew Co. walk us though measuring the body for sewing garments! This is one of the first steps to learn as you begin your home sewing practice. This is our first sewing basics tutorial and many more are headed your way.
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Film and Edited by: Pete Lutz & Brooke Priddy
Music by Leanne Macomber


Be sure to wear tight fitting clothing if you need to be clothed while being measured.
Stand up straight for accurate measurements.


Hold tape parallel to the floor and measure the fullest part of
the bust.
Allow enough room under the tape so you could slide two fingers between it and the body.



Bend side to side to locate the accurate point to measure. It’s usually near the belly button.
Hold tape parallel to the floor and measure the narrowest part of the torso.



Hold tape parallel to floor and measure the widest part of the hips and booty.



Measure the widest part of the thigh with tape parallel to the floor.



Hold tape at the knobby part of the vertebrae and measure down the the back of the knee.
Continue down to ankle for full length measurement.



Hold tape at waist and measure down to knee and then to ankle.



Measure around the widest part of the upper arm.


Arm Length:

Hold tape at the upper crest of the shoulder and measure down to wrist .


These are the main body measurements you will need to begin your home sewing practice. Getting these right is the first step towards a successful sewing project.

Good luck!


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